Open Question: Teeth surgically removed before getting braces?

Open Question: Teeth surgically removed before getting braces?

I had 4 teeth out and then a brace fitted. Mine weren't wisdom teeth - I just had one from each side of my mouth, 1 at the top, 1 at the bottom. At first they put this gel on me, to help numb the area before injections. Then I had 8 injections. This was probably the worst part of the whole experience (including brace fitting) but it only lasted about 2 minuets. After that it was fine. She just said she was going to lean on my teeth and it came out much easier than expected. My head didnt even move. She did all 4 exactly the same. I went home and they were a bit sore at first but nothing more than an ibroprufen couldn't sort out. The only thing I had to watch for was when I ate sometimes it opened up the scab. Esspecially rice - I thought it would be easy to eat but it kept going in vertically and I had trouble getting it out lol. It was good fun.

The brace fitting was fine. I had to bite down on a tube which blew air so I didn't have to swallow. I concentrated so much on that tickling that I didn't really notice the brace being put on. It wasn't fun and I wouldn't wish to do it again but it certainly didn't hurt. It was just more uncomfortable. The brace hurt for about a day and a half but once again with neurofen or ibroprufen I could eat soggy foods. I have a fitted brace and have to pieces of advice. When you first get it fit or have it tightened don't push you top or bottom teeth forward - it feels ok for that two seconds but hurts more after. Also - use the wax! I didn't use it and got a massive blister. When I have it tightened it usually hurts for a day and if I had it done in the afternoon the morning after but nothing that meant I took painkillers. As for your final question - I don't know sorry. All I know is that the braces are moving my teeth very quickly and they look so much straighter. I've had it for about a year.

Good luck!


P.S. I have quite a low pain threshold so if yours is higher it should be even better.

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Open Question: What does it feel like to get your tooth pulled?

Open Question: What does it feel like to get your tooth pulled?

you do not feel anything as the tooth is pulled. Before the tooth is pulled you will get an injection and it may sting for 3-4 seconds. After that you will be totally numb. Then all you will feel is pressure and pulling and you may hear noises, but there will be no pain and baby teeth are easy to pull as the roots normally get dissolved by the teeth growing under them, so your tooth may not have much root left on it. It will be over pretty fast. Do not be nervous, you will be totally fine. The gum maybe sore after for a few days but this will soon heal and is easy to manage.

Take care

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Open Question: Will getting braces make my mouth look weird?

Open Question: Will getting braces make my mouth look weird?

I've had braces it didn't make my face look different.

PS your teeth and chin cleft are in no way linked.

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Resolved Question: peeling red and white tongue with red bumps at the back?

Resolved Question: peeling red and white tongue with red bumps at the back?

sounds like inflamed taste buds to me. There are five prime elements of taste including salty, sour, bitter, sweet, and umami (or savoury). The main function of the taste buds is to taste or savour the food that we eat, differentiate the taste and send information to the brain based on it.

Causes of inflamed taste buds

* Exposure to toxins like tobacco smoke and insecticides.
* Endocrinal disorders such as hypothyroidism, hypoadrenalism, and diabetes mellitus, and dental problems.
* Certain herbs and supplements (such as chewing gymnema leaves).
* Having very hot, spicy, or salty foods.
* Stomach infection or allergy. that may even inflame the entire oesophagus.
* Infected cut on taste bud by the teeth. due to a cross bite.
* Mouth ulcers or tongue ulcers due to a yeast/thrush infection.
* Acidic foods including lemons, limes, grapefruit, some sauces, etc.
* Overcooked foods, which are temperature wise hot, can cause irritation and minor inflammation for a few hours.
* Certain mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
* Laryngectomy, a surgical removal of a part or all of the larynx (usually to treat cancer of the larynx).

So yes your love of salt and eating more spicy foods and vinegar have probably caused this. Cut right back( on the thing that caused it) and drink plenty of water. Also eat soft and cold foods which will help sooth and calm your tongue. Things like ice cream, yogurt, cheese.

Hope that helps and it gets better soon.

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Open Question: where can i get a over the counter antibiotic? I have a tooth ache?

Open Question: where can i get a over the counter antibiotic? I have a tooth ache?

I would not take anti biotics unless told to do so by my dentist or doctor. Not a good idea just taking them yourself. Have you tried pain killers? I find Nurofen+ really help with toothache. (Ibuprofen (INN is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ). There are many other things you can try too.

Garlic is great for toothache. it is a natural antibiotic and will numb the tooth

You can use oil of cloves. You can get it from most drug stores, chemists, you put a little of the oil on to some cotton wool and dab it onto the area affected. It will numb the pain. My hubby used this with a very bad toothache and it worked.

To ease toothache or other mouth pain, make a tea by boiling 5g of fresh peppermint in 1 Cup of water and adding a little salt. Peppermint is an antiseptic and contains menthol, which relieves pain when applied to skin surfaces

Warm salt water rinsed around mouth 4 times a day will help sooth and kill off infection.

Cucumber: Hold thick slices of cucumber under the affected tooth and it will relieve the pain soon

Do not eat too hot or cold foods which may set the tooth ache off. Eat easy to chew soft foods. Avoid acidic foods and sugar as they may set the ache off again. Also avoid hard foods and spicy foods as they may aggravate the tooth.

Hope you can manage the pain ok until your dental visit next week and take care

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Open Question: Feeling sick after root Canal?

Open Question: Feeling sick after root Canal?

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Open Question: When will the pain from wisdom teeth removal set in?

Open Question: When will the pain from wisdom teeth removal set in?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open Questionscuties scuties Member since:November 11, 2010Total points:401 (Level 2)I got all 4 impacted wisdom teeth out yesterday at 8 am. Its been a little over 24 hours and I still have no pain...I'm scared for the pain to set it going to be really bad?
Oh and I haven't taken my strong prescription since yesterday at 6 I think. It made me super nauseous. So all I've taken so far is Advil.Answer Question

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Open Question: How Do I talk with stitches in my mouth?

Open Question: How Do I talk with stitches in my mouth?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionBellu Bellu Member since:February 17, 2011Total points:92 (Level 1)Yesterday I got stitches in my mouth from two teeth being pulled out. One was a cavity and the other was a baby tooth that popped out with it.
I didn't go to school today because I thought it would hurt all day long. It didn't But it's hard to talk because I am afraid Ill rip the stitches out. My S's sound weird and it hurts to laugh, smile, or even cry.Answer Question

Megan by Megan Member since:December 08, 2010Total points:226 (Level 1)

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Open Question: How much does it cost to have braces?

Open Question: How much does it cost to have braces?

These are all valid questions, and valid questions that your dentist would be able to answer.

If you have been prescribed braces, your dentist should have gone over this with you. If he didn't, find a new dentist.

Most offices will provide rough estimates over the phone, keep in mind your actual price may be different due to your mouth needing different work.

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Open Question: I dont want to develop a dry socket?

Open Question: I dont want to develop a dry socket?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionJosh Hines Josh Hines Member since:December 28, 2010Total points:131 (Level 1)Im so freaked I just had 4 wisdom teeth removed under an IV .. Iv been reading places on how to treat it. and everyone says stuff about dry socket and its so painful. I want to prevent 100%. they say not many people get it but alot of people also say its very paintfulAnswer Question

Cherryblossom by Cherrybl... Member since:July 29, 2008Total points:2,535 (Level 4)Dont drink through straw
dont smoke
and eat lots of cold thinggot 4 teeth extracted for braces

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Open Question: Are my teeth shifting or am I just paranoid?

Open Question: Are my teeth shifting or am I just paranoid?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionCandi P Candi P Member since:July 29, 2008Total points:1,677 (Level 3)I got my braces off a year ago. I wore my regular hawley/wire retainers 24/7 for about 2 months and then I gradually wore them less and less hours. The longest I have not worn them was about 3 days, but that wasn't till several months after wearing them for many hours. My teeth are still straight but I feel like they aren't as straight as before. My retainers still fit. I've dropped them several times on the sink, did they shift? Or did my teeth get crooked and reshape my retainers when I popped them back in after 3 days? Or am I just being paranoidAnswer Question

Clementyne by Clementy... Member since:September 28, 2008Total points:580 (Level 2)Once your teeth start to shift your retainer will stop fitting. I don't think you have anything to worry about.

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Open Question: I just extracted 4 teeths for my up-coming braces.?

Open Question: I just extracted 4 teeths for my up-coming braces.?

Dont ever drink using straw it can cause dry socket.
dont ever smoke too.
avoid hot thing, take more cold food.
dont play the gum area where the tooth is extracted with your tongue. just let them be.
and dont gargle with water before 24 hours you got your teeth extracted.

when my tooth extracted for braces too.
i never brush my teeth for 2 days. lol. i just gargle some thing that my ortho gave me to gargle the next day. :D

Good Luck on your braces

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Open Question: How long does penicillin last?

Open Question: How long does penicillin last?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionOn the bottle we have , it says , "discard after 7 days". But we just called the dentist's office , and the receptionist said we can still use it (it's less that a month old). It's for pain in the tooth , until monday , when the dentist is in , and we can get an appointment , and get a new prescription for penicillin.Answer Question

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Open Question: 3 of my bottom teeth are very loose do to a fight i got in?

Open Question: 3 of my bottom teeth are very loose do to a fight i got in?

ok now im REALLY!! angry 3 of my bottom teeth are really loose, if i just touch them they shake

and all because of a stupid fight i got in the other day with some drunken idiot

i was wondering is there anything dentistry could do to save my teeth before they fall out?

look i really dont want to be biting down on food and having pain in my gums every time i do

so what the hell do i do now?!

my dentist told me it would cost me a fortune to get fake teeth implanted, i asked him how much

he said $5000, what the hell!!! i dont have 5grand....

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Open Question: I just got my braces off?

Open Question: I just got my braces off?

I get my retainer in a few days. I'm worried that my bite will just go back to the way it was, which was top overlapping bottom. What's to stop it from moving back? Or does the alignment of teeth force it to stay in place?

Does the retainer hold the top and bottom jaw in place or just the alignment of teeth? And what happens when you are done wearing the retainer after a year, wouldn't it just start moving back from there or does your teeth and alignment stay after 1 year of staying in place or something?

The overall question is: What's stopping the jaw and teeth from moving back after retainer wear?

Further info: The orthodontist recommended me take out two upper teeth but I refused at last minute, because my teeth are apparently overcrowded.

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Open Question: Soft/Mushy Gums growing over teeth?

Open Question: Soft/Mushy Gums growing over teeth?

I had my wisdom teeth extracted 2 days ago and on the second night after I felt my gums covering my tooth (only happening on the top right of mouth). It was really soft, I touched it a bit and it fell out all bloody and a bit black. I saw blood on my shirt and i'm guessing the soft gum tried to heal over the clot but it was really big. I put gauze on it for an hour and somehow the gum grew back not as big but medium sized (was also bloody and black). What could this be? Could it be an infection or is it normal?As I typed this more soft gum grew on my tooth and over my gum again. It grows pretty fast.2 hours ago

it's not really attached to my teeth, it's just there. I literally felt no pain when I poked it and I kind took it out. Looks like reddish/blackish slime to be descriptive.2 hours ago

Answer Question

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Open Question: problems with tongue thrust?

Open Question: problems with tongue thrust?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open Questioni am a mid year teenager who stil has the bad habit of putting the tongue between the teeth while sleeping. i kindda had this problems since my child hood. so i decided to go for the tongue thrust appliance. i just wanted 2 know that as i have this problems only at night, WHETHER OR NOT, I CAN REMOVE MY APPLIANCE IN THE DAY TIME.?Answer Question

I'm just Robyn. by I'm just Robyn. Member since:November 18, 2010Total points:2,377 (Level 3)Well, did you get the appliance for a store? Or from your dentist? If you got it from the store, read the directions or call your dentist to ask him and what he wants you to do.

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Open Question: Why would my mouth be dried up if I dont breath through my mouth?

Open Question: Why would my mouth be dried up if I dont breath through my mouth?

it could be caused by a number of things. Does your bedroom have air con? Air con sucks the moisture out of the air .Some things to try would be limiting the AC and humidifying the room. Put out a wide mouthed bowl of water near your bed. If all else fails, you could try a humidifier. Does the sun shine into your room in the morning? This could also dry the air out. You also need to drink plenty of water through out the day and keep a glass next to you on your bedside table for you to sip if you need it during the night. Things like spicy food can also dry the mouth out. Certain Meds can also make your mouth dry. Alcohol sure does give you a dry mouth. I get this with booze.

Acid reflux can cause a dry mouth too.There are many other illnesses too that can make your mouth dry such as diabetes and hypertension. You may even have problems with your saliva glands and levels. Having good ventilation where you sleep may help. Going through the Menopause can cause a dry mouth too for ladies. Smoking and lifestyle can play a big part too.

If this does not get better you may have to visit your dentist as a dry mouth can cause tooth decay as saliva is what fights tooth decay at night and during the day. An oral rinse to restore mouth moisture may be prescribed. If that doesn't help a medication that stimulates saliva production, called Salagen, may be prescribed.

Also if you do not do so already, look after your teeth and gums by brushing 2 times a day and flossing once a day.

Hope you find the cause soon or get better and good luck.

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Open Question: My 2 front teeth are loose, what should I do?

Open Question: My 2 front teeth are loose, what should I do?

Go to a doctor, super quickly! Or no, not a doctor, I meant a dentist, go see a dentist quickly! Drink milk, and maybe if your teeth fall out before you get to the dentist, try gluing them to your gum's until you reach the dentist.

good luck!

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Open Question: Braces and Decalculification question?

Open Question: Braces and Decalculification question?

I'm not sure what exactly you are asking, but if you are asking if you will have noticeable spots from where the braces were, then probably not.

I got my braces off yesterday and I was worried about this. The orthodontist did all kind of crazy **** to my teeth after getting them off. It was like being the Tin Man in the land of Oz. He buffered them, shined them, probably colored them, etc. The teeth came out looking pretty much perfect.

It was so perfect that I'm kinda scared because it looks nothing like what I'm used to seeing in my mouth. I'm worried its all an illusion and won't last. I'm also worried that they took too much off, like enamel and such just to present a better aesthetic look.

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Open Question: How often should I file down my children's fangs?

Open Question: How often should I file down my children's fangs?

Make them chew on pummis stone - this will grind them down.

Hope this helps.

ps Don't let them out in direct sunlight.

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Open Question: My teeth hurt really bad from braces.?

Open Question: My teeth hurt really bad from braces.?

Try tylenol. i heard it work.
but for me, i doesn experience any pain. just slightly some pressure.
Maybe it will go away after a week to 2 week. :)

mine has been a week, but it still hurt when my front upper teeth hit my bottom front teeth.
most of my teeth hurt except my molar teeth when i eat

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Open Question: Teething when an adult?

Open Question: Teething when an adult?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open Questionmemebah memebah Member since:June 27, 2008Total points:744 (Level 2)I'm 20 years old and i got 2 teeth out in the same spot... after a week i noticed that one tooth is growing like they took out my baby tooth that didn't come out...and my gums next to it where the other tooth came out it's just white thing ontop of my gums its not a tooth... but my other gum is a tooth starting to grow i can see the top of it growing ?? is this normal? and what would the white thing on the other gum be? it's not a tooth or anything.It's not wisdom lol ..isn't the wisdom on the sides of ur mouth 4 of them???
i got teeth taken out 2 of them bottem teeth no where near my wisdom9 hours ago

Answer Question

Jožo by Jožo Member since:December 12, 2010Total points:5,960 (Level 5)That's a wisdom tooth. I had them when I was about your age.

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Open Question: I have Inflamed gums from an infection and finding it very hard to eat, what can I do?

Open Question: I have Inflamed gums from an infection and finding it very hard to eat, what can I do?

are you still flossing and brushing your teeth? I know the gums hurt but you must still floss and brush to remove plaque and bacteria. I had the flu over Xmas and my gums became sore due to me having a low immune system. Sounds like your immune system is fighting off your sickness bug and in doing so has become low and hence the gum infection. First of all gargling with warm salt water( 1 table spoon on salt added to a glass of warm water) 4 times a day will help clean the gums and kill off any infection.

Reasons for swollen gums below

* Infection from a virus or fungus
* Gingivitis
* Poorly fitting dentures
* Sensitivity to toothpaste or mouthwash
* Side effect of medication
* Malnutrition
* Vitamin C deficiency (scurvy)
* Pregnancy
* Bacteria buildup

You need to take in some vitamin C to boost your immune system. Try drinking some orange juice which is full of vitamin C. Use an anti bacterial mouth wash which will help kill off the germs and avoid sugar as sugar just turns into plaque . Avoid fizzy drinks and acidic foods as they can irritate the gums even more. Drink milk and eat yogurt and soft cheese as they are easy to eat and kind to your mouth. Maybe make a smoothie up using some fresh fruit( non acidic fruits mainly) or make a milk shake up using a blender which will have calories in and energy and goodness it in. I drank milk shakes when I had the flu. Banana milk shakes. I also found pineapple milkshakes really nice .

Other things you can try on your gums are clove oil which will sooth them and help calm the pain. Green tea is also great for it's calming effect. Another good one is to put some salt in ginger and make a paste and then rub this carefully onto the gums 4 times a day. And be sure to drink plenty of water. Can you try eating some other soups too, other flavours that are mostly liquid?

If your gums do not get better within 1 weeks I would go and see your doctor or dentist . Hope they do get better soon and get plenty of rest and try and boost your immune system back up .

Take care

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Open Question: Swelling in gums after root canal?

Open Question: Swelling in gums after root canal?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionAlly Ally Member since:December 30, 2009Total points:198 (Level 1)I had the beginnings of a root canal today, where they drained my abscess. The doctor said significant swelling would be normal (which I have) but I have a weird swelled up bump in my gums. I'm thinking it's from the shot (Does that seem correct?). Do the antibiotics take a while to work after the abscess is drained? Is this normal for the first night?Answer Question

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Resolved Question: Is dental filling an option for these teeth?

Resolved Question: Is dental filling an option for these teeth?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Resolved QuestionMilk Milk Member since:July 11, 2009Total points:3,045 (Level 4)Can minor chipped corners on canine & first premolars (first & second tooth from the front teeth)
be repaired with dental fillings? It's just these teeth are so flat and non cavernous compared to the rest, I'm not sure how it would work?Chipped teeth caused from grinding.. 8 hours ago

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Open Question: Is it normal for my mouth to be sore even after an abscess has drained?

Open Question: Is it normal for my mouth to be sore even after an abscess has drained?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open Questionxsexyx xsexyx Member since:August 05, 2006Total points:1,754 (Level 3)My toothache started on Monday, and I went in to the Emergency Dentist and got started on antibiotics Tuesday. The abscess drained on its own Wednesday morning, however it is still aching. The swelling is mostly gone, but I still have soreness and I'm wondering if this is normal. Does anyone have experience with this?Answer Question

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Open Question: TEETH, have i got a cavity?

Open Question: TEETH, have i got a cavity?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open Questionglitzandglam20 glitzand... Member since:March 18, 2011Total points:94 (Level 1)I go to the dentist every 6 months, Its been around 4 months since i have last been and a few of my teeth have become reallly sensitive. i have noticed 2 very small black dots on 2 different teeth and the rest are just sensitive. Does the black mean i need a fillings? I cant get into to dentist for 2 weeks will it worsen alot in 2 weeks?thanksAnswer Question

dr fma by dr fma Member since:February 08, 2011Total points:714 (Level 2)1. The earliest sign of a new carious lesion is the appearance of a chalky white spot on the surface of the tooth, indicating an area of demineralization of enamel.but this is not seen or observed by one as there will be no pain during this time .
2. As the lesion continues to demineralize, it can turn brown but will eventually turn into a cavitation ("cavity").
.3. Once the decay passes through enamel, the dentinal tubules, which have passages to the nerve of the tooth, become exposed and causes PAIN IN TOOTH .

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Open Question: Loose Front Adult Tooth?

Open Question: Loose Front Adult Tooth?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open Question?Love? ?Love? Member since:June 19, 2009Total points:251 (Level 2)One of my front adult teeth are loose. I unconsciously was pressing it, and it is now loose. It think it is tightening back up, but I'm not sure. So, will it eventually tighten up? I really can't afford to go to a dentist. Also, what can I do to speed up the tightening?Answer Question

Theo Burray by Theo Burray Member since:February 26, 2011Total points:0 (Level 1)

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Open Question: Self conscious about my teeth and I can't do anything about it?

Open Question: Self conscious about my teeth and I can't do anything about it?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open Question. . Member since:January 03, 2009Total points:2,311 (Level 3)I'm 14 and I've had horrible crooked teeth ever since I can remember. It's mostly my top ones but I have a bit of an overbite so they show up he most whenever I talk or smile or laugh. It's made me so self conscious that I've been avoiding smiling or laughing lately. I can't do anything about it. Braces or anything of that sort are not an option, I've talked about it with my parents and they say we can't afford it. I just feel so horrible, it's been like this for so long. I really don't know what to do.Answer Question

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Open Question: i have an ocd problem & sometimes i floss to much into my teeth & swell the gums! if flossing until my gums?
Open Question: I have been put on antibiotics for uti and just realized I had abesesed tooth ?
Open Question: Will getting braces hurt?

Open Question: Will getting braces hurt?

Everyone experience different pain cause each person has different pain tolerance.
for me, i didnt experience much pain just slightly some pressure. i can still eat like usual but using only my molar. i cant use other teeth because when i bite i did feel some pressure.

how many years you need to wear is always depends on how bad your teeth are and all are depends on your ortho. we cant decide that. but people wear normally 2 years. i need them for 2 years.

yes. you can get clear one. if you want really clear one, you can get damon braces. people wont actually notice you got braces. :) but colour braces look cool for me although im already 17. :)

you cant eat hard food like ice,nuts and thing that really hard. if you know that is something hard, just stay away from it. or else it will break your bracket and the longer time you need for your braces so you will wear braces for more longer time. so take good care of your braces.
avoid eating sticky thing like caramel,toffee, bubblegum and also popcorn. some people said they do eat them, but please dont eat them in case the rbacket or anything break, you just gonna make the process slower, waste your parent money if your ortho want you to pay for those broken bracket and also it will make your ortho pretty mad. lol
avoid sweety food such as carbonated drink and stuff. you can eat them but make sure you brush your teeth after you eat them.

other than all this food. you can eat actually almost everything. but dont worry, your ortho will give u a list on what to eat and what you shouldnt eat. :)

always brush your teeth after every meal because you need to keep your braces and teeth clean always. and also floss. if you follow all these instruction, you will be fine and can even shorter your time for wearing braces

if it hurt when you eat after getting braces, stick to soft food such as soft cakes,soup,jello and porridge.:D drink something really cold it will reduce the pain. if still pain you can take some tylenol. :D

Good Luck on your braces! :D

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Open Question: Dental surgery Tuesday pain still intolerable !?

Open Question: Dental surgery Tuesday pain still intolerable !?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionEvie Evie Member since:September 10, 2007Total points:212 (Level 1)My body wouldn't sedate during my surgery so after trying for 6 hrs. The dentist had to go in and cut and extract 6 teeth. I havent slept, no sleep at all so ive had to deal with the pain around the clock My face is bruised. My mouth screams when i try to do anything, especially after the 3 day point when i could take out my denture I have one more day of pain meds left. 5 days later and I was going to call dentist and request more b/c this weekend will be hell. Someone told me this could piss my dr and ins company off, but this wasn't the average surgery my dentist is 100 miles away and I'm not sure what to do. I haven't slept since Tuesday morning. My face looks " beaten " do you really think the insurance company would deny this? Do I need to consult my dr or dentist first? If I'm not healing as fast as I should be, what do I do ? I'm praying so hard that they can help me enough to make it through the weekend, where hopefully I can heal. Is there a way to request pharmacy NOT to use my insurance. Seems like that's where the problem would be. I just don't know where to turn nextAnswer Question

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Open Question: Is it safe to give oral sex while you have an abscess tooth infection?
Open Question: Is this normal with braces?

Open Question: Is this normal with braces?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionTheo Burray Theo Burray Member since:March 10, 2011Total points:0 (Level 1)My gums are a bit big and on the left and right sides at the top there isn't much space between the bracket and the gum however they are still pink and don't bleed when they are brushed, they are not sore or anything either. My braces come off soon. Also I don't have any chalky white spots on my teeth and I always brush them at least twice a day (always brush after eating and such) so I shouldn't get any white spots behind the brackets should I?Answer Question

dr fma by dr fma Member since:February 08, 2011Total points:714 (Level 2)that is the swelling of the gingiva ,as there has been movement of teeth to a different position from befor there will be a reaction and inflammation leading to swelling and the redness in color . as your inflammation is due to the orthodontic treatment there is no bleeding . after the orthodontic braces are removed your gingival position will come to normal .don't worry
thank you

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Open Question: I Got red bump in mouth on my tooth?

Open Question: I Got red bump in mouth on my tooth?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Resolved Questionjazzy jazzy Member since:March 31, 2010Total points:132 (Level 1)It red swelling tooth all most covered by it help what is it

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Open Question: I have a cross-bite, just had braces a year ago. Help?

Open Question: I have a cross-bite, just had braces a year ago. Help?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionJazz Jazz Member since:November 14, 2010Total points:1,274 (Level 3)I don't want to get my braces put on again, is there any way to repair a cross-bite without them? One side of my teeth touches when I bite down, and I don't want my teeth to wear away.Answer Question

dr fma by dr fma Member since:February 08, 2011Total points:714 (Level 2)you can get it corrected without braces only if your age is around 20 or less . because those appliance works wit growth if your growth is over than you cannot put that appliances .
the appliance are expansion screws , cross bites elastics and many more
thank you

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Open Question: Questions about wisdom teeth consultation?

Open Question: Questions about wisdom teeth consultation?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionOkay, so in a few hours I'm meeting with an oral surgeon to discuss having my wisdom teeth removed. What should I expect here? What kind of questions should I ask?Answer Question

scuties by scuties Member since:November 11, 2010Total points:401 (Level 2)They'll show you a movie and your dentist will tell you if your teeth are impacted or not, etc. Ask any questions you can think of. I suggest being put under, its so much easier and not scary at all. If I were you I'd be curious of if all your teeth are impacted or not, and if he's going to use stitches. Good luck, you'll do fine!! Everyone goes through this, so you can too!

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Open Question: Should I be worried if an abscess on my gum stops hurting?

Open Question: Should I be worried if an abscess on my gum stops hurting?

I think I have an abscess but because I am not registered with a dentist I have to wait till Monday to see someone. I now can't get the day off, so are having to rearrange for thursday. Thing is its stopped hurting now, the bump is still there and it still hurts to touch it and the tooth below it. It used to throb all the time.. and my cheek hurt alot.

So.. is this a good or bad thing that the pain isn't as intense?

Thanks for any information you can give :)

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Open Question: What color should I get for my braces?

Open Question: What color should I get for my braces?

Never do clear. I use white, or baby blue. NEVER EVER EVERRRR use yellow.


Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Open Question: What happens at your first orthodontist appointment after your dentist referred you?

Open Question: What happens at your first orthodontist appointment after your dentist referred you?

My first appointment with my ortho is that he check my teeth and look at them.
after that he took the mold of my teeth.

after 4 days he ask me back for 4 teeth extraction.and put 8 spacers on to make space for the braces band. people usually wait around a week after teeth extraction and spacers. but mine ortho are more faster.

after another 4 days, i go back for my braces. :)

this is how my ortho work. im not sure about yours. but im sure you will experience them too. :)

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Open Question: Is there an alternative to braces?

Open Question: Is there an alternative to braces?

There is always an alternative to braces: A hideous smile.

Only joking, I myself haven't had braces and my bottom teeth aren't perfectly align either. I like it that way personally because it isn't at all noticeable since it's hidden and if it is noticed it adds some character. Perfect straight teeth are boring in a way.

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Open Question: Abscess tooth or sinus infection?

Open Question: Abscess tooth or sinus infection?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionKate Kate Member since:June 12, 2009Total points:227 (Level 1)I went to the doctor three weeks ago and was diagnosed with a severe sinus infection they did xrays and I had pus pockets all over my cheeks both of them. I took the antibiotics all of them, and I am now experiencing pain again! It feels like someone is pushing my teeth out from the inside of my cheeks. My lymph nodes are so swollen I can barely open my mouth, and it even hurts to breath because it feels like the cold air is touching my gums when I breath through my nose. The only thing that kind of helps in tylenol. Also my face is hot to the touch on just the one side. Now my question is it an abscess tooth or a chronic sinus infection, because I have never felt anything like it in my life and I don't want to spend all my money going to the wrong place. So should I go to the dentist or the doctor? I have also tried using orajel but it just numbs my gums and it still feels like my teeth are being pushed out by my cheek bones for lack of a better description. I just don't know anybody who has ever had this problem. PLEASE HELP!it also hurts to bend over it feels like every fluid from my body just rushed to my face and made it swell even more1 hour ago

Answer Question

Horse by Horse Member since:December 05, 2006Total points:10,072 (Level 6)Go to the dentist, get in as quickly as possible.

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Open Question: Found my Retainer but my teeth moved.?

Open Question: Found my Retainer but my teeth moved.?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionAddison Smith Addison Smith Member since:February 23, 2011Total points:137 (Level 1) is the story.
i have a visaline retainer that i lost for my bottom teeth.
I found it....however my teeth have moved. I can get my retainer on...if i keep waring it 24/7 will my teeth go back straight?Answer Question

selwood2001 by selwood2... Member since:November 07, 2007Total points:144 (Level 1)Yes as long as the retainer stays on your teeth it will work. And don't go losing it again. You can't lose it if it is in your mouth

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Open Question: I will be happy if you answer for my question?
Open Question: A question about wisdom teeth..?

Open Question: A question about wisdom teeth..?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionTJB1210 TJB1210 Member since:March 16, 2008Total points:12,058 (Level 6)I just got mine pulled on monday, and they said to use salt water after every meal on the 4th day, but when do I stop? Did you get your wisdom teeth pulled? how did it go for you? when did you get to eat solid food comfortably? thank you!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)Answer Question

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Open Question: When will I get my braces off!?

Open Question: When will I get my braces off!?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionCarly Carly Member since:December 12, 2009Total points:1,080 (Level 3)I`ve had my braces on since August. I was told I was supposed to have them on for six months to a year. At my last appointment they told me I would get them off this Spring. I went today and they put on brackets on the teeth I had recently grown in. And all my teeth are already straight including the ones they put brackets on. My next appointment is in a month, they didn`t tell me I was gonna get them off then, when do you think I will get them off? Now they basically just need to get used to my teeth, and make sure they are going to stay that way.Answer Question

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Open Question: I had my braces since... March 22 2010 n there straight. Are they ready to come off?

Open Question: I had my braces since... March 22 2010 n there straight. Are they ready to come off?

just because your teeth are straight that doesnt always mean the braces are ready to come off.
most likely, yes they are. but you want to make sure your teeth get fully straightened and strong enough that they wont shift back.
and when they do come off, you'll get a retainer. you are going to HATE wearing the retainer but please, do.

because i had braces when i was in middle school for only a couple years. i got them off and was supposed to wear a retainer for a while to keep the teeth straight. i never wore my retainer, and now just about 4-5 years later my teeth are crooked again.

and by the way, nice icon picture ;)

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Open Question: Is it normal for my retainer to make the bottom and roof of my mouth sore?

Open Question: Is it normal for my retainer to make the bottom and roof of my mouth sore?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionNicole S Nicole S Member since:August 08, 2008Total points:778 (Level 2)I got my braces off yesterday and the retainer is AWFUL. Every time I wear it, I feel like I have a sore throat. On top of that, the bottom of the retainers make my mouth sore, not my teeth, my mouth. And when I eat salty food, it's really painful. Is this normal?Answer Question

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Open Question: Help with crest white strips?

Open Question: Help with crest white strips?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open Question?Vi? ?Vi? Member since:January 21, 2010Total points:190 (Level 1)I just used my very first one and when i took it off, that gel from the white strip was on my teeth? Do i just rinse it off? If so, can i use a toothbrush? or am i suppose to leave that gel stuff on my teeth?Answer Question

lala by lala Member since:May 10, 2009Total points:157 (Level 1)just brush it off with some water, do not leave the gel on. they longer you wear those or the gel the more sensitive your teeth will be.

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Open Question: Which toothbrush is better electric or manual?
Open Question: Porcelin crown put in but it doesnt match?!!?

Open Question: Porcelin crown put in but it doesnt match?!!?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionLuis Luis Member since:November 08, 2006Total points:213 (Level 1)I recently got a porcelin crown put in for one of my front teeth but the color of it is too white it doesnt match the rest of my teeth. I told the dentist if there was anything that could be done color wise to the tooth and he told me there wasn't besides bleaching my other teeth. im very unhappy with the crown and dont want to pay for something done wrong, what should i do??Answer Question

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Open Question: 2 darkened teeth after root canal?

Open Question: 2 darkened teeth after root canal?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionPaddy I Paddy I Member since:March 04, 2007Total points:72 (Level 1)hi
I had root canal treatment on my 2 front back teeth. I am a student and my dentist wanted to put in black fillings under the nhs. however i explained that the presence of these dark fillings and being able to see them was annoying me so i asked for white fillings as i was led to believe that this was stop any discolouration and would restore the teeth. My dentist told me that this meant all my treatment for these teeth had to be paid for privatly, anyway the teeth cost me a combined £500 and the two teeth are horrible looking, they have darkened quite a bit and look disgusting, what should i do?Answer Question

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Open Question: How to open sleeping person's teeth?

Open Question: How to open sleeping person's teeth?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionSomebody Somebody Member since:March 09, 2009Total points:191 (Level 1)You would have to use force because you would have to drill a hole to get inside of their tooth

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Open Question: Are all anaerobic bacteria bad and aerobic bacteria good?

Open Question: Are all anaerobic bacteria bad and aerobic bacteria good?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open Questionthe enquirer the enquirer Member since:April 04, 2008Total points:357 (Level 2)So hydrogen peroxide doesn't kill aerobic bacteria? I read somewhere that you shouldn't rinse with it too often because it'll kill all bacteria allowing anaerobic to take over when they regrowAnswer Question

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Open Question: BAd tooth can i wiggle it out?

Open Question: BAd tooth can i wiggle it out?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open Question~ANNA~~ ~ANNA~~ Member since:January 03, 2009Total points:1,273 (Level 3)I am on antibotics for abcess tooth I noticed if i wiggle it it feels a little loose the more i wiggle more it loosens do you think its possible just to wiggle it out?? Its going to be pulled anyway?Answer Question

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Open Question: I feel my teeth shifting if I don't wear my retainer for one night?

Open Question: I feel my teeth shifting if I don't wear my retainer for one night?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionSchming Schming Member since:December 14, 2010Total points:1,063 (Level 3)Is this normal? Like if I forget(everyone forgets but I try my best) I wake up in the morning and see some spacing between my front 2 teeth (similar to Spongebob) and my overbite is back completely. What should I do this is scaring the s*** out of meAnswer Question

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Open Question: Question for Dentists or people have been through this.......?

Open Question: Question for Dentists or people have been through this.......?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open Questionastro dog astro dog Member since:January 25, 2011Total points:3 (Level 1)I went to the dentist for my overbite, and expected to only get braces. But he said that I had the biggest overbite he's EVER seen, (18 mm) and they'll have to remove my lower jaw and insert it in a different spot! That means for about an hour, I'll only have ONE JAW!!!!! I don't even know if I'm getting anesthetics! I could feel and see my tongue not touching my jaw, becasue I won't HAVE ONE!!! I've been FREAKING out over the past few days over this, and I need to know how this thing is gonna work! If someone is familiar with this procedure, could you PLEASE explain it to me? Thanks in advance!Answer Question

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Open Question: Wisdom teeth stitches out?

Open Question: Wisdom teeth stitches out?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionTina D Tina D Member since:January 19, 2011Total points:97 (Level 1)Well I kept on touching it and it became loose. It started bothering me so much and it took it out. About a week ago I had surgery on my wisdom teeth and I only did it on the bottom. Is it safe? What should I do now?55 minutes ago

Answer Question

Big Willy by Big Willy Member since:November 29, 2010Total points:330 (Level 2)yeah it should be fine they are ment to come out

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Open Question: Do we really need toothpaste to brush our teeth?
Open Question: will getting a tooth pulled out hurt?

Open Question: will getting a tooth pulled out hurt?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open Questionim going to the orthadontist on tuesday and im soo scared that i might have to get a baby tooth pulled out. it is my k-9 tooth but it is flat and tiny so i dont think they can fit the bracket on it. any comments on if it would fit or not??Answer Question

Jess by Jess Member since:February 23, 2010Total points:483 (Level 2)Danielle by Danielle Member since:March 11, 2011Total points:94 (Level 1)it depends how small it is but it could. Just good luck you will have to face it soon so suck it up and get the truth and answer :)
if you get a shot in your mouth to numb the pain then you should be okay...Well - they deaden it - and if it's a baby tooth, it might not have a root on it anymore. Might be absolutely nothing!No, it won't hurt. They will deaden the area with a needle of Novocaine. The needle hardly hurts. It just pinches for about a second or two and then your gum will go numb. After your tooth is pulled and the novocaine wears off, your gums will feel a little sore for two or three days, so it's best to eat soft foods during those days.Kate by Kate Member since:September 02, 2010Total points:4,187 (Level 4)yes it can hurt but they will give you a pain killing injection to ensure you don't feel it.Tofer by Tofer Member since:August 09, 2010Total points:595 (Level 2)As it is a baby tooth they would not put a bracket on it anyway because well the tooth could get loose and fall out and well then the bracket is cemented on the tooth and yeah.
Getting your teeth pulled out doesn't really hurt
The root dies after time thus, depending how old you are, the root might be a stub
First you get into the office they scrape at it a little(doesn't hurt at all)
Then they inject you with a needle to numb you (Its a quick shot that feels like a normal shot 1-2-3 pains gone) then you cant feel any pain anymore they scrape the tooth and it comes right out.
Depending on how long the root is when the numbness wears off you might fell discomfort but not pain if the roots short the numbness will go away you wont feel a thing

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Open Question: I've just got my braces refitted, and this time I have got powerchains.?

Open Question: I've just got my braces refitted, and this time I have got powerchains.?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open Questioniluvmysox iluvmyso... Member since:March 10, 2008Total points:165 (Level 1)I have power-chains now and they really hurt, what can I do to relieve the pain and how long does it last?Answer Question

selwood2001 by selwood2... Member since:November 07, 2007Total points:144 (Level 1)take painkillers, it can be painful for a couple of days after

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Open Question: normal tooth sensitivity?

Open Question: normal tooth sensitivity?

I had tooth (one right next to the very front teeth) filled on the back side, 8 or 9 years back. it was a VERY tiny bit of decay then. For about 2-3 months after having that filling, i had some sensitivity in tooth, mostly to cold air, and very cold water, or beverage. It then stopped, and had no problems with pain since. About a month ago , i noticed some more small areas of what looked like decay to me , on the same tooth. (i have VERY GOOD oral hygene, just for the record, so dont judge me!) So i went back to the dentist (a different one, due to insurance reasons, and because my sister reccomended her.) At the dentist office they did xrays, and examined all my teeth, and was told i needed to get more fillings. (and a wisdom tooth removed, ugh!) I have a appointment next week to have all this done. However, since i went in for the exam and xrays, that same tooth has became extremely sensitive again, and im wondering if this is just due to all the poking/prodding/and scraping or what not, that she did during the exam. and if it was anything else, (like HOPEFULLY NOT needing a root canal!) shouldnt she had realized from at least viewing the xrays, if not from the exam?

Sorry if im coming off alittle over anxious, i said the appt.'s next week. and me + dentist = alittle anxiety!


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Open Question: What happened to my tooth?

Open Question: What happened to my tooth?

What happened to my tooth?

1. It's like my filling got like pushed deeper into my tooth.
2. It doesn't hurt
3. On the side of the deeper part, it's like my tooth got chipped.
4. It's not black/brown. Just the regular color. (the chip and the filling thingy is normal in color)
5. It isn't sensitive

Do you know what this is? And what is the general cost of it? (average cost)

I don't have my next dental appointment until like 3 months from now. And the insurance won't pay for any of it if i schedule one. How do i keep it from getting worse. Both the filling deeper thingy and cavities?

Thanks in advance!!!

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Open Question: Is it possible to pay 70$ a month for braces without insurance?
Open Question: Braces Pain Please Help!?

Open Question: Braces Pain Please Help!?

Home >All Categories > Health >Dental >Open QuestionMorgan Morgan Member since:December 23, 2010Total points:91 (Level 1)I have had my braces on for about two years now and I just got rubber bands. They were fine but I just went on Monday and I have to wear THREE rubber bands now and they clamp down my teeth to where I can barely open my mouth. It hurts so bad so what can help me relieve the pain? I have tried ibuprofen and a heating pad but those won't really work. I know you probably don't think it hurts that bad but if you only knew how bad it really does! On a scale of one to ten I would say it hurts by ten! I know it will go away in a few days but I can barely sit through my classes throughout the school day, it's even hard for me to talk. Please help!Answer Question

selwood2001 by selwood2... Member since:November 07, 2007Total points:144 (Level 1)try taking a different painkiller in addition to ibuprofen. the pain will go in a few days, hang in there, else go back to the orthodontist

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